Frequently Asked Questions
Why should I take this class?
During a time of significant physical isolation and great uncertainty, LifeDesign is an opportunity to develop mindsets, skillsets and habits that will help foster a more joyful and purposeful life while having a lot of fun.
Will it relate to me?
If you are alive, LifeDesign is applicable for you! More seriously, if someone asked you, “What are you doing when you feel most alive?” what would you say? This class hopes to help you explore and expand on that answer.
Who can take this class?
We believe that all students at the University of Notre Dame can benefit from LifeDesign. As a result, the course is open to all students regardless of year or field of study or classification. There are no prerequisites or required skills, all you need is an open mind.
What is a LifeDesign Team?
A LifeDesign Team is made up of a facilitator and typically 6 students. The purpose of the LifeDesign Team is to allow for deeper and more personal discussion on issues and topics covered in class. LifeDesign Teams will meet during regularly scheduled class periods, and if the LifeDesign Team decides, occasionally outside of scheduled time.
What will I get out of this?
In LifeDesign, you will learn about the science and practice toward living a more joyful and purposeful life, develop insights into a Motivating Question that is personally meaningful to you, and work on creating and changing a habit in your life. At the end of the class you will work on synthesizing and sharing insights that have been especially meaningful to you.
How will we be graded?
LifeDesign is a 3 credit class. Success is not measured in answers that you find, rather the ability to build and use the skills shared in the class. A successful student is one who commits themself to learn more about their journey with an open mind. Students will be graded on their participation and focused completion of assignments.
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