Tia Mittle

Hello!! I’m Tia, a sophomore double majoring in Global Affairs & Political Science and minoring in International Development Studies, from Mumbai, India. My hobbies include drinking coffee, traveling, spending time with my friends & family, lake walks on campus, and reading! I took LifeDesign in my first-year because I kept questioning how I would make my time at Notre Dame meaningful, and what my purpose in life was. After just one semester, I could clearly outline my goals and understand myself better. I watched myself transform from someone chasing the “rat race” mindset to someone who prioritizes their well-being and happiness, is grateful, and has a growth mindset. My growth allows me to say that this is genuinely the best class I have taken yet because it focused on me and valued my flourishing. I’m still learning and I’m so grateful that I get another semester to explore all the practices LifeDesign has to offer. I can’t wait to hear more about all of you & your experiences!!


Joe Ricotta