Dylan Taylor

Hello, my name is Dylan Taylor and I am a junior Science Pre-Professional and English major. I am stoked to help facilitate this course after taking it last semester. There’s not another class like this at Notre Dame, and I’m excited to be able to be a part of it again. Last semester, I enjoyed getting to explore topics such as mindfulness, joy, accompaniment, wonder, and apply them to my own life. I am happiest reading, writing, taking walks/hiking, and talking with others. 5-10 years from now, while I’m certainly crossing my fingers that I have a career, what I am looking forward to most in life is my relationship with my family and my community. I want to be doing something that satisfies my soul and hopefully leave the world a bit better than I found it. I’m really looking forward to the semester and getting to grow with one another.  Let’s goooooo!


Emily Shelburne


Joe Ricotta