Clare Cullinan

Hi! My name is Clare Cullinan and I have lived in South Bend for as long as I can remember. Aside from my home, some of the places I am happiest are at Notre Dame: the lakes at sunset, my dorm, a certain bench by the log chapel, and the Basilica. One of my favorite ways to experience and create joy is through music. I am most at peace when singing music with my friends in the Folk Choir. Another source of joy for me is children. My mom tells me I first fell in love with children at 16 months old when first my brother, Gavin, was born followed by my sisters Anna and Shane. As I grew up, I became a busy babysitter, camp counselor, and assistant teacher. In the future, I hope to work with children in some capacity. Initially,  I chose to take LifeDesign because I want to challenge myself intellectually, spiritually, and emotionally so I may have the foundation to love others more deeply and inspire more joy. However, I found that this class was equally as rewarding for my own personal growth and sense of wellbeing. I am incredibly grateful for the people I get to work with and I cannot wait to accompany all of you on your own journeys! 


Joe Drey


Emily Shelburne