Erik Jensen || San Jose, California

Program Manager, Civic Innovation at City of San José


Hello, my name is Erik Jensen. I am an engineer and designer committed to a human-centered process in every context of my life, from how I organize my work to how I make my tacos. I grew up in North Dakota, graduated from Notre Dame in 2014 and 2016, both times with degrees in civil engineering, and have been living in the San Francisco Bay Area ever since. My work as an engineer has taught me to be obsessed with building solutions that are actionable, data-driven, and have real outcomes; my work in design has taught me to relish complexity, crave for empathy and insights, and demand a generative mindset. Design has brought me to many fascinating places, from international development and affordable housing to financial inclusion and digital identity. I am currently immersed in designing systems for food security in the City of San José, where I am exploring challenges of food access, agency, and equity. I am thrilled to be engaging in this course to explore how we might use design to reframe our life's path and purpose.


Cathy David


Desmond Jumbam