Caroline Murtagh || Immokalee, Florida

Project Manager, US Public Health Accompaniment Unit at Partners In Health


Greetings! My name is Caroline Murtagh, and I am thrilled to be embarking on this journey of life design with you all. I graduated from Notre Dame in 2019, where I found “home” in my dorm, Pasquerilla West, with my diverse and brilliant peers in the Biological Sciences major and International Development Studies minor, and with the wonderful South Bend families I met through clubs like Special Friends and Aquatic Relief for Kids.

 After graduating, I worked with the international nonprofit Partners In Health on a post-Ebola health surveillance system strengthening project in Liberia, where I accompanied and was accompanied by community members and local government partners in the ongoing fight to address the structural barriers to medicine to advance healthcare as a human right. I then traveled to Uganda to continue my global health research through a Fulbright grant, but returned home early due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Since then, I’ve been working with Partners In Health to support local governments, organizations, and communities to implement effective and equitable COVID-19 responses. As I pursue a career in medicine, I look forward to learning alongside students to cocreate opportunities for joy and meaning in our own lives. 


Justin McManus


Maria Oviedo